Elaine O’Leary
“A parent commented that it was great that we were all on the journey together.”
Elaine O’Leary, a self-described “avid advocate of literacy”, says she has witnessed first-hand how children can become unmotivated and switched off to learning when they do not experience success because they feel they cannot access literacy.
“The Better Start Learning Approach is an explicit research-based programme which enables teachers to be systematic, analytical, reflective and collaborative, and feel that they can empower akonga to reach their literacy goals.
“It is empowering our akonga with the foundational skills to be successful readers, writers, orators and critical thinkers.”
Elaine says the online learning component of the microcredential means material can be revisited at a time that suits each teacher.
“The supporting videos and information enables one to engage with each facet of the microcredential at a manageable pace.”
Elaine, who began her teaching career more than 30 years ago in Ireland, says she has been privileged to have a facilitator and team leader who is indefatigable in her commitment to navigate and support the implementation of the BSLA.
“The support provided by the quality and professionalism of our facilitator eases the load.
“Questions are always welcome and we sit weekly as a team alongside my colleagues who are also delivering the programme, celebrating successes and seeking advice on next steps and cross- referencing to ensure we are delivering the programme effectively.
“The resources at our fingertips are invaluable, engaging and purposeful, and the games hook our akonga into learning, consolidating and reinforcing their phonological awareness and enabling the transference of letter/sound knowledge to reading and writing.”
Elaine says the students using the new approach are motivated and enthusiastic. “They race like rockets to their shared reading and small group reading sessions.”
“The Ready to Read – Phonics Plus early readers are inviting and the cultural lens of the stories using Te Reo kupu, native New Zealand birds and creatures like Tuna and Ruru appeal to our tamariki who feel connected to the stories that are real and culturally reflective of their landscape.”
Feedback from whānau has been positive and inspiring with comments that reading at home is less stressful and more fun.
“Whānau are committed and inspired to become partners in the approach to support their tamariki.”