Janine Williamson

The Better Start Literacy Approach is great, with amazing resources, that has huge
benefits and outcomes for your students; and it’s fun and easy to implement.

In just her second year of teaching, Janine Williamson has found the Better Start Literacy Approach Microcredential invaluable in showing her how to apply the approach and what it looks like in a classroom context.

“Having our facilitator as my team leader has made this learning very supportive for me, as she is able to observe my teaching and give practical advice, as well as be on hand to ask all the little questions that arise from implementing the approach.

“The videos and written step-by-step guides have been a big help too to see how the games and learning groups work in a class situation.”

Janine says the resources provided as part of the microcredential are “amazing”.

“The children love the game-based activities, and the fact that they are hands-on and interactive. It gives them control and independence over their learning. We use the tiles to decode words so when they get to the book part of the small group session, the students have the confidence and prior exposure to feel success in their learning.”

The Ready to Read – Phonics Plus early readers are a big hit with the children.

“The children love that they have the same characters in them and that can make connections across the books. They love the te reo Māori words in the books and some students are showing such pride in already knowing these words and being able to share that with their peers.”

Janine says she has seen huge improvements in the student’s learning – making connections to letter sounds, applying new vocabulary, and using the segmenting and blending strategies independently in their writing.

“The biggest outcome is the rise in students’ confidence and pride. The programme allows every student to feel success in every session because it is a strengths-based approach.”

Feedback from whānau has been very encouraging, says Janine.

“Parents have said they have seen a difference in their children’s reading, and willingness to read at home. We have had comments that parents are also learning alongside their children as not all parents are familiar or confident with all letter sounds.”

Will Easonteacher