Pene Balk-Jarvis

It is wonderful that the Ministry of Education is funding this initiative in our schools.
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Pene Balk-Jarvis says she “jumped at the opportunity” to become a Better Start Literacy Approach facilitator.

“I had been aware of the research undertaken by the University Canterbury using the Better Start Literacy Approach and their aim to advance foundational skill for early learning success using a scope and sequence.

“The results they obtained excited me. I wanted to learn more and share this in a significant way with teachers, making a difference for children and their whānau.”

Pene says she found the microcredential straightforward and informative.

“We started our journey with a two-day workshop to introduce us to BSLA and how to work as a facilitator with our schools. We were given a kete of resources including instructional readers, games, letter tiles and other information.

“Everything for the microcredential is laid out in a user-friendly and sequential way on the UC Learn website, giving comprehensive training using videos, demonstrations, readings and interactive components. We have weekly tutorials which often delve into areas of learning in practical ways along with Q&A sessions.

“As a facilitator I am able to help and support my teachers and I, in turn, have a mentor at UC. The lesson plans for the shared reading, phonological awareness skill building and small group reading are comprehensive. As the teachers become more familiar with using the approach the level of support provided gradually tails off as teachers take ownership.”

Pene says the children are now very engaged with their learning and work extremely hard as they move through the components of the lessons.

“The children enjoy being introduced to new vocabulary and using it in a variety of settings. They love the games and the new Phonic Plus readers. These books are beautifully illustrated, based in the New Zealand context and centred around relatable characters with great storylines.

“Already we are seeing children who are very engaged in their learning, whose belief in themselves as learners is growing, who have grins of delight on their faces as they read and use interesting vocabulary.

“BSLA sits under the umbrella of the Science of Reading, and I love the way it is built on a strength-based framework that focuses on what children can achieve and next steps for them as learners. It offers teachers life-changing professional development, for them and their learners.”

Will Easonfacilitator